2023年5月30日 BK LI

PATCHOGUE N.Y. - 2023年5月30日 澳门足彩app,纽约 (SJNY) is pleased to announce that the University will receive the 2023 长岛 Smart Growth Award for Community 领导 for its long history of community involvement. The award will be presented by 远景长岛 at the annual Smart Growth Awards on Friday, June 16 at the Crest Hollow Country Club in Woodbury.

Through community sponsorships and partnerships in the Patchogue and local communities, the University is highly involved in community programs across 长岛. With the Patchogue campus located one mile from the vibrant center of Patchogue’s downtown, the University played a vital role in the Village’s revitalization efforts and is a regular sponsor of the Patchogue Theatre, Plaza Cinema and Media Arts Center, various programs for the Patchogue-Medford 图书馆 and Patchogue’s beloved Alive After 5. 在周边社区, the University sponsors countless organizations and various causes, 包括, 但不限于, 盖特威剧场, 萨福克郡马拉松, the 长岛 Ducks and Sisters of St. 约瑟夫. Located next to the Patchogue Lake, the Department of Biology at St. 约瑟夫’s regularly conducts water research, testing and cleaning of the lake, as well as trail cleanups around the lake and community, improving the quality of life for the species in the lake.

“我代表圣. 约瑟的社区, I want to thank 远景长岛 for the honor of receiving the Community 领导 Award,唐纳德说。. Boomgaarden, Ph值.D., St总裁. 约瑟夫大学,纽约. “This recognition is a testament to our longstanding partnerships in the communities we serve. Congratulations to our fellow honorees and thank you, 远景长岛, for making a positive impact for residents in our region.”

The University is also being recognized for its state-of-the-art Student Center opening in Fall 2023 on its Patchogue campus, the first new building constructed on the campus in 18 years. Construction of the Student Center utilized green building development with energy efficiency, conforming to New York state’s 2020 Energy Efficiency Code. Among the sustainable features are solar shading devices, daylight and occupancy light controls, low flow plumbing fixtures and a continuous air barrier that limits air infiltration.

Also included was a major sewer project in which the University worked closely with the Town of Brookhaven and Village of Patchogue officials, ensuring the campus is connected to the Patchogue sewer system, 最终转移48,536 gallons of wastewater per year from campus septic systems into sustainable treatment. The project has enabled potential sewer connections for approximately 125 residential homes in the surrounding neighborhood.

“This award recognizes our continued support and partnership with so many organizations within the Village of Patchogue and the surrounding communities,盖尔·兰伯特说, Ph.D., St. 约瑟夫’s associate dean for community development, professor and chair of recreation and leisure studies, and coordinator of experiential learning. “我们的教师, staff and students have actively participated in numerous programs and initiatives that have improved the quality of life for our local community organizations and residents.”

20多年来, 远景长岛 一直在表彰个人, organizations and projects that advance the growth of 长岛’s downtowns and infrastructure. Specific focus areas include transit oriented development, 经济适用房, 环境可持续性, 交通减速, 交通工具的改进, clean energy and community based planning.

澳门足彩app,纽约, formerly St. 约瑟的大学, underwent an historical designation change last year from College to University — a status granted by the New York State Department of Education and New York State Board of Regents in April 2022.


澳门足彩app,纽约 has been dedicated to providing a diverse population of students in the New York metropolitan area with an affordable education rooted in the liberal arts tradition since 1916. 独立和男女同校, the University provides a strong academic and value-oriented education at the undergraduate and graduate levels, aiming to prepare each student for a life characterized by integrity, intellectual and spiritual values, social responsibility and service. 穿过布鲁克林, 长岛 and online campuses, the University offers degrees in more than 100 majors, special course offerings and certificates, affiliated and pre-professional programs.