ST. 约瑟夫的大学,纽约校长博士. 唐纳德·邦加登被任命为长岛首席执行官

November 17, 2023 BK LI

BROOKLYN and PATCHOGUE, N.Y. – November 17, 2023 – St. Joseph 's University, New York (SJNY)很高兴地宣布,唐纳德. Boomgaarden, Ph.D., has been named a 2023 Top Chief Officer 由先驱社区报纸和RichnerLive. 颁奖典礼将于周三举行, 11月29日在法明代尔贝斯佩奇的传统俱乐部, New York.

“最高领导奖”是表彰最高领导的奖项, 包括地区总裁, executive officers, operating officers, technology officers, 人力资源官员和销售官员,他们在很大程度上影响了我们在长岛的业务. 

“我很荣幸能得到认可,”他说. Boomgaarden. “St. 纽约约瑟夫大学认为社会公正和服务是我们的核心价值观之一. 我们认为我们的使命不仅仅是为学生提供良好的教育, 我们也希望他们能进入社区,让社区变得更好.”

该列表的类别包括教育, accounting and banking, 娱乐和招待, health care, human resources, labor unions, not-for-profits, 房地产与开发, technology, tourism, 交通及公用事业.

“认可长岛的商业领袖不仅仅是认可他们的成功, 这是为了庆祝我们当地经济背后的推动力, 以及塑造我们社区未来的创新," said Amy Amato, RichnerLive的执行董事. “我们很高兴向这些人致敬.”

Dr. boomgagarden是澳门皇冠app,纽约(以前称为圣. Joseph’s College). During his tenure, he has overseen an historical designation change from College to University — a status granted by the New York State Department of Education and New York State Board of Regents in April 2022; has been at the forefront of a successful reaccreditation with the Middle States Commission on Higher Education; launched two consecutive strategic plans; and grown the University’s endowment by nearly 50 percent. 他还监督了该大学长岛校区耗资1700万美元的学生中心的完工, 哪家在今年秋天正式开业.

Dr. Boomgaarden serves on the board of trustees for the Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities (CICU); is Board Chair of the Association of Colleges of Sisters of St. Joseph (ACSSJ), a national organization of colleges and universities across the nation; a steering committee member of the Long Island Regional Advisory Council on Higher Education (LIRACHE), where he is also chair to the Superintendents and College President’s Partnership; and former chair of the Lower Hudson Valley Consortium of Catholic Colleges and Universities. 

毕业于伊士曼音乐学院. 邦加登还曾在维也纳大学学习,并在那里获得了富布赖特学者的称号. 他毕业于哈佛大学教育管理与领导学院, 并在伊士曼音乐学院担任教职, 伊萨卡学院音乐学院, St. Mary’s College in Maryland, 萨尔茨堡大学音乐科学研究所, 马里兰洛约拉大学和新奥尔良洛约拉大学.

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ABOUT ST. 约瑟夫大学,纽约
St. Joseph’s University, 自1916年以来,纽约一直致力于为纽约大都会地区的学生提供经济实惠的教育,这些教育植根于文科传统. 独立和男女同校, 大学在本科和研究生阶段提供强大的学术和价值导向的教育, 旨在为每个学生准备一个具有诚信特点的生活, 智力和精神价值, 社会责任与服务. Through its Brooklyn, 长岛和在线校园, 该大学提供100多个专业的学位, 特别课程和证书, 附属和专业预科课程.