Brooklyn Campus Speech-Language Pathology 和 Audiology Degree

Brooklyn Campus Speech-Language Pathology 和 Audiology Degree

Help others communicate. Become an advocate. 做好准备.

Explore a future in a field you’re passionate about with a B.A. in Speech-Language Pathology 和 Audiology from St. Joseph’s University, New York.

Prepare for a career evaluating 和 helping individuals with a wide range of communication disorders as a speech-language pathologist. Or get ready to diagnose 和 treat people with hearing loss 和 hearing-related disorders as an audiologist. Both professions work with patients of many different ages. Employment can be found in a variety of settings, including schools, 医院, rehabilitation centers 和 private practices.

Gain the knowledge 和 skills necessary for acceptance into top graduate programs through academic coursework, clinical experiences 和 internship. 在圣. Joseph’s University, you’ll develop strong clinical thinking 和 leadership skills to help you succeed in your future career as a speech-language pathologist 和/or audiologist.

St. Joseph’s University alumni have moved on to prestigious graduate programs at such institutions as Loyola University; New York University; Brooklyn College; 和 Teachers College, Columbia University.

The Brooklyn Campus Speech-Language Pathologist 和 Audiologist Major Experience

Prepare for Your Future: Gain 25 hours of fieldwork experience, which graduate programs accept toward their hours for 亚莎. St. Joseph’s students have participated in optional internships at local schools, 医院, nursing homes 和 private practices.

Career Opportunities: Careers in this field are growing much faster than average, the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics reports, with jobs for speech-language pathologists expected to grow 29% 和 audiologist jobs 16% by 2030.


Minors that Matter: Students in this program often pair the major with minors in 心理学, 西班牙语, human relationstherapeutic recreation