Online Human Resources Programs

Online Human Resources Programs

Be the difference in your profession.

Human resources isn’t just "HR" anymore. 这个职业现在需要的不仅仅是商业、沟通和管理方面的技能. Thankfully St. Joseph’s University online provides you with exactly that.

学校开设了员工发展和人事管理方面的重要课程. 约瑟夫大学人力资源项目建立在人力资源职能的基础上, including retention and recruiting, employee development, benefits and compensation, and labor relations. 学会以一种协同的方式组织你新获得的知识,并在员工和组织之间建立更牢固的关系.


B.S. in Human Resources
Prepare for a career in human resources management.

新的人力资源理学学士学位是一个120学分的项目,课程设置包括替代性争议解决, Employee Benefits Management, Organizational Development, Talent Management and compensation. 该学位旨在为学生在人力资源管理方面的职业生涯做准备.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual salary for an HR manager is $102,他们预计,到2024年,人力资源经理的就业增长率将达到9%.

Human resource management is a growing field, 而且,为我们的学生提供实习和工作的雇主对人力资源专业的需求也很大. 在该地区已经建立了研究生和证书课程,以及现有的人力资源管理协会(SHRM)联盟协议, St. Joseph’s University has a strong foundation on which to build. 该项目拥有教师专业知识、已建立的课程和经过验证的成功模式.




M.S. in Management, Human Resources Management Concentration
Complete your master's on your own terms.

Targeting career-oriented students with a desire to succeed, St. Joseph’s M.S. in Management advances careers to the highest levels of the business world.

Designed for working adults holding leadership positions in the public service, private and nonprofit sectors, the program offers concentrations in organizational management, health care management and human resources management, 并促进管理效率和工作场所绩效的提高.

All of St. 约瑟夫的研究生管理研究课程强调与卓越管理绩效相关的能力的发展,以及理论和定量知识在日常商业环境中的应用.

Whether earning your bachelor’s degree or building your master’s, online learning is a valuable resources for you. Online education is flexible, 随时可访问,让您有机会按照自己的节奏学习. Our online instructors provide a wealth of knowledge and tools for you to use.



Dual Degrees

B.S. in Human Resources/MBA
Make a positive impact on your company.

为一份有回报的职业做好准备,学习最好的方法来支持员工,同时获得基本的商业技能.S. Human Resources/M.B.A. dual degree. 

我们的在线教师将带领你发展一个坚实的人力资源基础. Our programming covers such important topics as maximizing staff productivity, creating a positive and enjoyable work environment, building a well-structured team, and how to lead with emotional and social intelligence. 在你的人力资源技能的基础上,获得管理学硕士学位,带领你的员工和企业走向成功.

By graduation, 您将发展与卓越的管理绩效以及理论和定量知识在日常商业环境中的应用相关的令人垂涎的技能.



B.S. in Health Administration/MBA in Marketing
Pursue your passions.

结合你独特的兴趣,在短短五年内获得健康管理学士学位和市场营销硕士学位. Students develop their problem-solving, leadership, 沟通和商业技能,同时准备成为医疗保健营销领域的高度积极的专业人士.



B.S. in Human Resources/M.S. in Management with a Concentration in Human Resources Management
Make your mark. 

加入我们,培养你的人际交往能力,掌握构建一个支持B级员工的工作环境的最佳方法.S. in Human Resources and a M.S. in Management, with a Concentration in Human Resources Management dual degree. 

我们精心设计的程序涵盖了如何最大限度地提高员工生产力等重要主题, creating a positive and enjoyable work environment, and innovative ways to manage your organization’s resources, time and people. 专注于人力资源和管理实践将使你在毕业后在商业领域具有竞争优势.

在我们的在线校园学习,并向敬业的教师学习,他们很高兴与学生分享他们的现实知识. 我们的课程将直接与该领域相关,并帮助您调整顶级雇主所寻求的技能, including the ability to lead a team, communicate a message clearly, solve problems, and project management and organizational techniques.  



B.S. in Human Resources/M.S. in Management with a Concentration in Organizational Management
Be a business leader.

Get ready to discover how to lead your business to the top, advocate for employee success and learn how organizations function with a B.S. in Human Resources and M.S. in Management, with a Concentration in Organizational Management dual degree.  

Build upon your strengths and rise to the top. At our Online Campus, you’ll learn about all facets of business, including how to create a well-structured team, tips on leading with emotional intelligence, and ways to help an organization reach its goals. 

Support staff to be their best. Manage a productive team. Make a difference. The business world is competitive, 但我们的优秀教师将分享内部知识,并教你梦寐以求的技能,这将使你在求职中脱颖而出.



B.S. Organizational Management and M.S. in Management with a Concentration in Human Resources Management 
Advance and become a leader.

From the beginning, 这个双学位课程通过提高管理效率和让学生接触支持领导力成长的概念来培养职业和教育进步. The graduate portion builds on this foundation, 培养理论和定量知识在实际组织问题中的应用,培养学生成为有效的领导者, strategic partners, problem solvers and policy facilitators.




Advanced Certificate in Human Resources Management
An advanced certificate to fulfill your needs.

人力资源管理证书课程为从业人员提供当前人力资源趋势和实践的高级研究. 重点放在理解人力资源在组织中的作用, 制定符合组织战略目标的人力资源计划.



Certificate in Human Resources
The leg-up you deserve.

本证书的目的是成功地管理人力资源,以支持组织的有效性. 它的目的是提供工作分析等人事管理活动的专门研究, staffing, training and development, employee appraisal, compensation enhancement of work environment, and personnel law and labor relations.



Certificate in Leadership and Supervision
Become the leader you already are.

本证书旨在提高监督和管理的有效性. Through selected courses and a case-study orientation, 学生将学习如何将员工管理和发展方面的重要理论和实践应用于常见的问题和情况.



Advance Your Management Skills

Our management certificate helps develop the communication, 组织和决策能力是成为一名高效和情商高的管理者所必需的. 学生完成课程后,将成为人力资源经理, marketing manager, financial director and business executive.

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